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"A vote for me is a vote for you.If you want the best vote for the best"-says John Mutua Katuku

As the clock ticks towards the scheduled date of this year's general elections,the race for Machakos County Senatorial Seat hots up.

The Seat has attracted several candidates who are yearning to unseat Wiper Senator Agnes Kavindu Muthama.

Among those vying for the position to unseat Kavindu, John Mutua Katuku,Benard Mung'ata, Kyatha Mbaluka and Urbanus Muthama Ngengele.

John Mutua Katuku is more than strong in Machakos,compared to his competitors.

According to Machakos electorate,Katuku will easily unseat Kavindu.This are some of their reasons.

"Kavindu has done poorly on oversight as one among many other duties of a Senator. Kavindu is no longer strong anymore "

"Katuku has a good track record. He has always been a key helpful leader to the community. He has always been on the forefront line in helping and empowering the community "

"Machakos County is not an individualised County.If someone fails,there should be a change. Kavindu has failed terribly and we have to try Katuku"

Machakos people now say that they need a fruitful and visioned Senator to help things work in Machakos.With the state of Machakos Level 5 Hospital worsening day in day out,the sitting Senator Agnes Kavindu has never thought of visiting the hospital to inspect the condition,one among many other sectors she has failed as a Senator

"What we were looking for is a good,able leader who can make changes in Machakos. The situation at Machakos Hospital is not pleasing.Kavindu has never thought of visiting the hospital to atleast inspect. We are tired of poor faking leadership. Kavindu must go home.This time round,Katuku will provide a good oversight in Machakos "

During a personalised opinion poll exercise that was conducted by our reporter on Wednesday evening in Machakos,Mutua Katuku emerged the most popular candidate and who was endorsed by many people for the seat.

"We are confident and determined to win the battle,Katuku is the best deal for us.He will always run Machakos appropriately as a Senator.He is the man to watch in Machakos"-said Muli John,Machakos resident

Indeed,Katuku has alot and good plans that will steer Machakos to the right direction.

"Machakos is a good place. We need to see everyone comfortable. I will steer this County to a fruitful direction.In this year's general elections,kindly stand with me and you shall never regret. I have good plans for Machakos "-revealed Katuku

Sane Muthama-Kenya Israel resident said that Katuku is the only capable person who can rightfully and heartfully fight for Machakos People appropriately.

"Machakos doesn't need a lazy or corrupt Senator.Katuku is the right leader now.Kavindu has not fought for us.Katuku deserves the position "-said Sane

"Politics is not about who you are,is about who you represent.Not about where you work,but how you will work. Not about how you look,but about how your leadership will be.Machakos deserves the best"- Elaborated Katuku

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