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The County Government of Busia through the Department of Health and Sanitation has underscored the importance of residents supporting efforts to control malaria, which remains the highest disease burden with a prevalence of 38 per cent.

The Director Medical Services, Dr Janerose Ambuchi said the control interventions among them the use of Long-Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLIN) should be embraced by the locals.

“Even though nets were distributed to residents across the County to protect them from mosquito bites, some have failed to utilize them as required,” she said, during the commemoration of the World Malaria Day at the Malaba Health Centre in Teso North Sub County.

She continued: “We need to use repellants to chase away mosquitoes which start biting before some of us go to bed as a way of preventing malaria. Let us clear bushes and remove stagnant water around the households."

The Director encouraged politicians to also join hands in combating the disease by sensitizing the residents on the need to observe measures put in place to combat malaria in the County.

Dr Ambuchi who was accompanied by her Universal Health Coverage counterpart, Dr David Mukabi urged parents to ensure that children aged between 6 to 24 months to receive the recommended doses of the malaria vaccine to reduce the chances of getting the disease.

She further expressed confidence that the Malaria Therapeutic Efficacy study being conducted at Port Victoria Hospital in Bunyala Sub County to determine the effectiveness of antimalarial drugs will guide the policy on the fight against malaria.

The remarks were echoed by Dr Mukabi who reiterated the need for the residents to register with National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) as part of ensuring that when they fall sick they can walk to the hospitals and get medical services.

The County Malaria Control Coordinator, Dr Oluoch Onyango said the County Government of Busia jointly with other partners has put in place measures that will only succeed if locals join hands by adhering to the advice.

Also present were CHMT members and partners supporting the fight against Malaria among them Impact Malaria, Living Goods, Population Services Kenya (PSK) and Breakthrough Action Kenya.

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