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  • Writer's pictureHillary Musyoki

Get To Know Why Machakos Central Ward MCA-Nicholas Kitavi Nzioka ( Wangondi ) Is A Super MCA

Hon.Nicholus Nzioka Wangondi is the elected Member of the County Assembly,Machakos Central Ward.He is also the majority leader of the County Assembly of Machakos.

He is elected under Wiper Party.

Wangondi has been on ground working jointly with his electorates to see his Ward a better place than it was.

Since his election as the area MCA ,Wangondi has been on ground working for the common mwananchi.

"A great leader is the one who makes sure the electorates are fully satisfied from his/her leadership".

He was elected massively garnering many votes in the just past general elections.

To secure and know youths grievances, he has been conducting interactive Participation meetings,with matters risen solved by conclusion.

Wangondi has been on the forefront line in nurturing talents amongst the youths, which is why the youth will never let him get out their hands.

Nurturing talents is key,and to MCA Wangondi, it is a priority

Today, many Kenyans earn their living out of their mentored talents.

Simplicity defines him best. MCA Wangondi takes his time to listen to his electorates so as to get their grievances solved . A great leader indeed.

Machakos Central Ward residents have always mentioned him as the best leader who is always goal minded.

"We don't regret electing Wangondi.We prayed for him during his campaigns to win. Our prayers were answered. We thank God for giving us such a great leader "

The electorates have vowed not to let him get out of their hands soon.

Since his election, he has worked on several projects that are beneficial to the common mwananchi.

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