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"I'm up to nature youth talents from the grassroot level"-says Kalama MCA Boniface Musyimi Maeke

Football is a big industry which provide source of income for youths all around the world

Among the best-to-play soccer strategies is to create young player to realize the value of his talent by conducting the tournament which can provide chance to youths to measure up themselves and show their talent

On Sartuday 31st , Youthful Kalama Football Players had an opportunity to measure up amongst themselves,under Talanta Classic Cup Football Tournament, that was conducted at Mbukuni High School Grounds

Jointly,the tournament was sponsored by Peter Musau Muindi- renowned Kalama Ward resident who has been up to nurture and mentor the youths ,Boniface Musyimi Maeke- kalama Ward MCA and Machakos Town MP Caleb Mule Mutiso

Attending the Event, Kalama Ward MCA Hon.Bonface Musyimi Maeke revealed that there is a bigger space for the youth in football in bigger and renowned football clubs,mentioning that the only challenge gets when nurturing the talents loosen up

He said that he is up to mentor and empower the youth for they got potential for bigger milestones

"If we keep sleeping and not getting concerned on our youths,then we are not helping them at all. You elected me and I thank God for that. We are on a merry-go-round type of life. Yesterday was me today is you. Therefore ,I must do what am supposed to do rightfully. I'm going to help the youth grow their talents. You shall never lack when am around"- said Maeke

According to MCA Musyimi Maeke, nurturing talents from the grassroot level is key. He promised to work closely with the youth to help them grow

For idle minds engage easily in the wrong behaviours, he asked the youth to stay focused and calm,avoid drugs and immoralities that may cost them alot in their lives.

Machakos Town MP Caleb Mule Mutiso who was also in attendance, insisted that unity is key for development roots to thrive well,asking Kalama youths to support him and his leadership for goodies are on way to them

He emphasized that he will fully support the youth grow their talents, saying that the youths are precious and can't be ignored at any given time

The winning team won for a football cup, 3 balls and 25,000 shillings to boost them up in their practicals.

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