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Mua Ward MCA-Hon.Francis Ngunga sets up free water point at Kwa Dedan, Kokos

On Wednesday 25th May 2022,Mua Ward MCA Hon.Francis Ngunga set up Water Point at Kokos,Mua Ward

Speaking to Rada TV,the area residents applauded their MCA Hon.Francis Ngunga for considering and caring for them through opening Kwa Dedan Water point

"May the Good Lord bless our hardworking mca Hon.Francis Ngunga. We really appreciate his leadership. We are happy and thankful for this Water project. Shida ya maji imeisha sasa"-said resident

Moreover,they went on saying that they were starving due to lack of clean and safe water,but through their MCA's efforts,they can now happily smile

According to the residents, it was a wise decision by Hon.Francis Ngunga to set up a water point at the most reliable and accessible place

The residents spoke blessings to their MCA Hon.Francis Ngunga saying that 5 years for him were not enough,promising to vote him in again as their MCA

"Ngunga has really done alot.We sent him to the Assembly to work for us and he has worked Faithfully.Mua is a great place now under Ngunga's leadership. We have decided that we will vote him in again as our MCA "-they said

According to the MCA Hon.Francis Ngunga, his leadership is not all about salary or fame,but about making the common mwananchi enjoy life under good leadership

"Water is one of the most basic needs. We can't live for more than a few days without it.Clean and safe water is an investment in the future of our country"-said Ngunga

Concluding, the performing MCA said that he has done alot his Mua Ward people,promising to work on more in the next term of his leadership.

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