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"My focus is on my constituents not petty politics"- Kivasu Nzioka,Mbooni MP

Mbooni member of the National Assembly Errastus Kivasu Nzioka has now called on individuals who are still politicking to desist and think on how to work on benefitting the common mwananchi

Kivasu said that he is not interested in politics as early as now, saying that time for politics is over

"There are some people who are still in the mood of politics. I pity them for am not interested in politics as early as now. The people of Mbooni Constituency elected me massively to serve them appropriately. I can't serve them well if I start engaging in lesser politics as early as at now"- said Kivasu

He went on saying that there is need for such individuals who are still politicking, to desist and instead support his development agenda for the people of mbooni

"I'm calling on all the people and even leaders who are still politicking, to immediately desist from that and support my agenda for developing mbooni and raising living standards for my constituents "- added Kivasu

This response came as a result of 'political differences ' between some of his constituents and even leaders with him

Kivasu mentioned that he has received serious political insults but he won't relent working for his people

"Even if you insult me, I will not stop working for mbooni people.You better stop. I'm in to serve faithfully and tirelessly. Rumours and immature politics won't stop me"- pointed out Kivasu

Kivasu was speaking this at Wanzauni Location,Wanzauni Social Hall during issuance of bursary application forms

On the same day, he proceeded to Kikima Social Hall to issue out women enterprise fund cheques

He issued women enterprise fund cheques worth Ksh. 8.75 Million to 40 groups from all-over the Constituency.

This issuance of the women enterprise fund cheques brings to a total of Ksh. 22.65 M which Kivasu has issued to 87 women groups since his re-election in August 2022.

During his first term, Kivasu issued around 230 Million significantly improving the region's economy.

MP Kivasu Nzioka called on the beneficiaries to utilize the funds well and invest in profitable businesses to yield better fruits in future

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