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Nzioka Waita promises to contrive school feeding program immediately he gets to power

Nzioka Waita,CCU Party Leader and also Machakos County Gubernatorial Candidate under the party,on Monday afternoon said that if elected as the next Governor of Machakos, he will implement school feeding program to the letter

Waita said that the school feeding program is key to the children and also the community, saying that his government will immediately roll-out the program immediately he is on power

"Our Children should be comfortable in school.But how will our children perform well if they are not well catered for.How now? Tell me.Good performance comes from a well catered child.I need good performance in Machakos. I must implement school feeding program "-said Waita

Giving reasons as to why the program is important, Nzioka Waita pointed out that most of the children come from poor backgrounds with no enough resources to sustain the children fully

"Not every child comes from a well resourceful family.One might be well yet the other might be totally weak.I can't sit and watch my people suffer. NO,I MUST fight for them"-said Waita

According to Waita,it is responsibility of the government to make sure that wananchi are fully comfortable and catered for.Indeed,he said that his government won't relax,promising to help the common mwananchi

"We know where the money is.We will get it from there and help the school feeding program get implemented rightfully. I will implement it to the letter "-Nzioka Waita

On this,Waita said that can only be achieved by serious leaders like him,asking Machakos County people to stand with him

WaitaNaSuluhu are visioned to make Machakos County a better fruutfull place.

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