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Promises Transformed To Reality. Yatta MP Robert Basils' Mega Plans To Transform Yatta

According to the Wiper elected Member of The National Assembly for Yatta Sub-county in Machakos County, Robert Ngui Basil, Yatta Constituency shall never remain the same, since he is set to transform it in Mega ways.

Speaking to Rada TV during an inclusive interview, MP Basil said Yatta Constituents had a good reason electing him to represent them in the National Assembly, promising to stand by his words that he used to speak during his campaigns; " I shall deliver"

The MP said that he has good visioned plans for Yatta Constituency and that's why his electorates should not worry, but they should jointly work with him to see a transformed Yatta Constituency.

"As i promised during my campaigns, that "I shall Deliver" must be felt by the good people of Yatta Constituency. I am a leader who keeps his word and makes promises become a reality. Yatta constituents should never ever regret of my leadership "- said MP Basil

During his campaigns for the just past general elections, MP Basil promised to fully transformed Yatta Sub-county in big ways, promises that are becoming a reality

He vowed to Transform the Constituency academically, a matter that has come to pass, for he has been working on different programs that shall make Yatta Constituency, an academically transformed place.

He has ensured that no even a single pupil/student, is sent home from school, to collect levies, for what he said that it is a waste of time, for the pupils should be in classes reading to brighten their future.

Moreover, he vowed to work on Yatta Canal, a matter that he has been working tirelessly to see a successful end results.

On Bursary Issuance, MP Robert Basil said that he will transform from analogue Issuance, to Digitised form of Issuance, a matter that came to pass, for as at now, Yatta Constituency issues bursaries through online Applications.

This has made it cheaper for Yatta Constituents, cutting transport costs that they used to suffer from, moving from their homes to a strategic point, to apply for bursaries. This is a matter that has been received well by Yatta people.

He officially opened Yatta Vocational and Technical Training College, an institute that will open major doors for academic and also economic inputs for Yatta Sub-county

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