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Why Kaiti Constituency MP,Joshua Kimilu will retain his position again.

Kaiti Constituency in Makueni County. The sitting MP of the Constituency, Hon.Joshua Kimilu,is set to enjoy leadership as Kaiti MP once again, following residents endorsement.

Speaking to Rada TV on Wednesday, Kaiti Constituency residents revealed that following their sincere political observations, Kimilu is the only able person to run the Constituency appropriately.

"Things have been good and lined up well.Kaiti has changed positively. We should not watch Kaiti go down.Kimilu is the able leader in Kaiti"-they said

According to the residents, Kimilu retrieved them from unfruitful leadership,making Kaiti a better place

"Since Kimilu took over as our MP, all has been well.Comparing his leadership with the Former MP,Kimilu's leadership is the best and developmental "

The residents revealed that it's now the high time to vote him in again as their legislator, saying that they need key leaders who are heartfully ready to help the common mwananchi.

"We can't afford to let Kimilu go.No.Kimilu is a good Legislator.If we mess ourselves we will never get a good leader like Kimilu again"

Under Kimilu's leadership, Kaiti has fully grown to a recognised Constituency in Kenya.

"If by any chance we loose Kimilu,we will never regain our Constituency developmental power again."-This is according to Ruth Mwende;

"You know we have had Kimilu as our MP for long.We know him well.During his leadership terms,Kaiti has been well developmental "

Moreover, they termed Kimilu as a well visioned leader.

"You know this man Kimilu is always confident and open .Such leaders are hard to get.We can't afford to miss him now.We have to use this opportunity to vote him in as our MP again"-said Theresiah

The man of the people Hon.Kimilu has always been down to earth, engaging the common mwananchi without discrimination.

He is set to enjoy fresh leadership again as Kaiti Constituency MP as residents endorse him for the position as they vow to elect him in this year's general elections come august.

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